John Coltrane interview Japan 1965

Interview By Kazuaki Tsujimoto (Tokyo Prince Hotel, Tokyo, July 9, 1966)

0:00 – Coltrane
Oh, I would, uh, I’d say, uh, I believe that, uh, men are to, are here to grow themselves into full – into the best good that they can be, at least this is what I want to do. And, you know, this is my belief, That we suppose I’m supposed to go to the best good that I can get to. And, uh, when I, as I’m going there, becoming this, and uh, when I become, if I ever become, this will just come out of the horn. So whatever that’s gonna be, that’s what this will be. I’m not so much interested in trying to say what it’s going to be. I don’t know. But I just hope that I realize it. Good can only bring good.

Well, I haven’t I haven’t had much leisure in the last 15 years. 15 years, I haven’t had much leisure time. And uh, when I get any, I’m usually so tired, so I just go somewhere and just lay around, you know, and so, for two weeks if I can get two weeks. And, uh, most of the time I’m still on music.

1:22 – Tsujimoto
What do you give them the, uh, so called the “right answer” to those questions, I don’t understand the music. I don’t understand your playing. What do you have this comment?

1:34 – Coltrane
Yes, I have it. You would like to know the answer to this? Well, I..I don’t feel there’s an answer to this. I think that, uh, if this, the…it is either saying that they the person who doesn’t understand will understand in time , from repeated lessening, or it’s a thing that he never will understand . And, you know, that’s the way it is. There are many things in life we don’t understand. And we go on anyway.

The comment on Sonny Rollins? Well, he’s a wonderful instrumentalists and musician.

1:34 – Coltrane
Yes, I have it. You would like to know the answer to this? Well, I..I don’t feel there’s an answer to this. I think that, uh, if this, the…it is either saying that they the person who doesn’t understand will understand in time , from repeated lessening, or it’s a thing that he never will understand . And, you know, that’s the way it is. There are many things in life we don’t understand. And we go on anyway.

The comment on Sonny Rollins? Well, he’s a wonderful instrumentalists and musician.

2:13 – Tsujimoto
And also the this, uh, question – Ornette Coleman, you mentioned some words great something that if you have another comment about it?

2:26 – Coltrane
Well, I said he was a great leader . And this is to me is a great thing to be.

2:34 – Tsujimoto
I see, this uh, a little bit, ordinary, regulations.. Roland cork that’s coming up. I see you have some comments.

2:43 – Coltrane
Well, he’s another great instrumentalist.

2:49 – Tsujimoto

Also, uh, MJQ. Do you have some comment about this recording?

2:58 – Coltrane
The quarter? MJQ? That’s a very good quartet.

3:01 – Tsujimoto
And uh, last one, is Charlie Mingus.

3:04 – Coltrane
I admire his work.

3:06 – Tsujimoto
Tell us about the, Miles Davis.

3:10 – Coltrane

Well, (chuckles) he was my teacher! (laughs)

3:17 – Coltrane
Recorded music? From the, uh, United States? Or what, period? My music.
The music I like best, or that I have recorded?

3:28 = Tsujimoto
Yes, you have recorded – that’s the music the point.

3:30 – Coltrane
The music that I have recorded that I like best.

3:34 – Tsujimoto
What are they?

3:35 – Coltrane
Yeah, I don’t know! (laughs)

3:41 – Coltrane
Classical music? Well, I…I don’t know, I may be wrong on this. The term classical music in my opinion. means to me, I think this it means the music of a country that is played under by the composers and the musicians of the country more or less, (and) as opposed to the music that the people dance or sing by – the “popular music” – the popular music. I don’t know, what do you think about? Do you agree with that?

So in other words, I mean, there’s classical music’s all over the world, different types of classical music. I don’t know if I’m correct on this, but that’s the way I feel about it. And as far as the types of music that, if you would ask me what we are playing, and to go beyond what I’ve said already, I feel it is a musical of this individual contributor, and if you wanted to name it anything you could name a classical music.

4:56 – Tsujimoto
And a related question about the classical music. Have you ever studied classical music? Nothing

5:02 – Coltrane
Nothin’but the type that I’m trying to play! (laughs)

5:09: – Coltrane
What? The Vietnamese War? Well, I dislike war, period. You know, so therefore, as far as I’m concerned, it should stop, and any other war. Now, as far as to say, to understand the issues behind it, I don’t understand them well enough to be able to tell you just how this could be brought about. But I only know that it should stop. Well, if so, I don’t think a consensus has been made on it. I mean, I don’t know if has been made…you see.

5:59 – ColtraneAs I told young man, yes. As a student I told him that. And I couldn’t answer this. I, I don’t talk much, you know, but you got me talking man. For hours I’ve been talking and I’m not a talker. But I thought about this question that I answered to the best I could and I felt that I didn’t tell him – what didn’t on was what I really wanted to. But uh, he felt that I was Christian. Right, and I am biased was birth my mother was my father was so forth. And my early teachings were Christian, (sic) and as upon now, as I look out upon the world, and it’s always been a thing with me to feel that all men know the truth. You see? So therefore, I’ve always felt that even though a man was not a Christian, he still had to know the truth somewhere. Or if he was a Christian, he could know this. Or he could not. It’s called (sic) whether he knew the truth, and the truth itself doesn’t have any name on it, to me. And each man has to find his way himself I think.

7:22 – Coltrane
Well, if we have time well I’d like to see some of the temples and

I’d like to I like to hear some Japanese music. You know, some are classical What is this instrument called Kaori, or…koto? yeah? Some of this…I’d like to maybe go to some rural areas, see some of the traditional…

7:52 – TsujimotoYou mentioned one thing about the koto. Hmm…uh, Roland Kirk stopped in Japan go to the Nagoya chelmer (sic) is a correct – Nagoya _______ sort of uh, flute _____, like oboe.

8:08 – Coltrane
He brought one. I want to go to the music store and see what I can what I can find…

8:16 – Tsujimoto
you know, I see this is the ______ the TV. (laugh) Well, anyhow…

8:22 – Coltrane
Those are the things I’d like to do. Well, uh, hello, and thank you. We’re glad to be here. And we hope to see you and play for you.

torio band